* You’ll notice that his video starts 34 seconds in, and that’s because this is a throwback post – the first part contains an outdated announcement, but stay tuned for a new announcement soon.
It’s true. Hiring a Personal Coach is totally unnecessary. It’s an entirely non-essential service. And that’s precisely why I got into it, and out of Counseling (although Counseling is also non-essential). I shifted because I no longer wanted to focus on ameliorating problems, but rather wanted to spend time helping folks manifest miracles and create dreams.
But none of that needs to happen. So why pay good money to hire a Personal Coach? Because you can. It’s that simple. The same reason you’d do anything in this miraculous life – because you can, but not because you need to.
“We get to play the game of creating miracles with this highly improbable life we’ve got.”
So coaching isn’t about fixing problems. It’s not about correcting inadequacies. It’s not about changing things in order to become happy (because you don’t need anything to be different in order to feel infinite bliss in this very moment, and every other.) Coaching is about playing the wonderful game of growth. Diving further and further into mastery and making magic – for its own sake. Because that’s fun to do. And the game of discovering new and deeper levels of potential and power never ends. And that’s pretty damn cool.
So why would I hire a coach? To help me free myself from the conditioned beliefs that prevent me from exploding into that greatness, that magic, the miraculousness. To help me liberate myself from the conditioning of my past so that I can experience reality AS IT IS, in all its infinite splendor, and so that I can manifest all my wildest desires with less effort.
That’s why. But I sure don’t need to.