Most of us never learned how to train our brains, which is why most of us needlessly settle, struggle and worse – suffer.  My name is Chris Dorris and I want to make Brain Training mainstream.

This is my podcast TOUGH TALKS:  Conversations on Mental Toughness.

I’m interviewing badasses from all walks of life, on what Mental Toughness means to them, and their unique approaches to strengthening their mind.

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A Special Note to All Seekers of Mental Health and High Performance in Life

The “problem” this passage addresses is that I need to grow the audience for Tough Talks, my Mental Toughness Podcast. The “gift” is that I get to play the SEO game writing more content for the world to get Google to help me have you find this content. It’s definitely a challenge to write this way, but it’s fun too. It’s fun to compete against Spotify and the other big fish for terms like unbeatable mind, mental health, mental maintenance, mindfulness training, and of course Mental Toughness Podcast!

Whether you’re reading this as a college athlete, a parent, an entrepreneur, an employee, a manager or whatever, lets agree that everyday life is filled with abundant opportunities, but to take advantage we must learn to overcome the “obstacles” that will show up along the way.

Mental Toughness and immense commitment levels are not just for your favorite fearless athletes. Mindfulness training and mental maintenance are practical pursuits for all of us to improve performance levels whether in sports, business or life. We can build our mental skills from training and practice.

Just like fearless athletes, we can all learn to practice seeing obstacles as challenges – business challenges, physical challenges, personal life challenges, mental health challenges – when we see these all as challenges, we can then PLAY the game of life. Approaching life as play is a secret sauce in all my favorite recipes for consistent performance at an elite level.

When we begin to see the events of our lives as the results of thoughts and actions, as nothing more than data to guide us on our path to our desires, we are empowered with a more powerful psychological wellbeing, with the kind of mental health, mental strength and emotional mastery that make up an unbeatable mind capable of achieving the highest performance levels.

One of the key takeaways I hope everyone gets from this podcast is that the definition of toughness is not just about being able to face whatever comes our way, but about looking for ways to USE anything and everything that comes our way towards getting what we want. One of my favorite Mental Toughness quotes or mantras is “The Problem Is The Gift” which is a powerful reminder that I use, that I practice whenever I encounter a “problem.” The faster I can change my thinking from an “oh this problem sucks, why me, this isn’t what I want” types of thoughts to a more productive and fun “hmm, what can I do with this new information, what can I create from it, what does this make possible” the better everything will be.

As a Mental Toughness Coach, as a Mental Conditioning Coach, I can tell you that building your mental strength takes practice, it takes effort, it takes commitment. If you want to build an unbeatable mind you’re going to have put in the work and get in your reps.

The good news is that as your Mental Toughness Conditioning Coach I can promise that training your brain and mental maintenance is both fun and energizing. You will develop priceless skills from training your mind. Unlike the grueling physical workouts fearless athletes must endure, when training for mental health and resilience you can’t over-train or hurt yourself, and there’s literally no limit to the progress you can make because you can always improve your skills from training. Training your mind is worth it! Mental health and high performance can be yours.

When I use the word training, please remember that this is fun and enjoyable, even when it requires immense commitment levels. There are a lot of words and concepts that get thrown around when it comes to mental health and high performance that I want put on the table because if you’re looking for Mental Toughness training, then you’re going to come across these words and phrases:

  • Mental Health
  • Mental Toughness
  • Mental Toughness Training
  • Mental Resilience
  • Mental Health & Resilience
  • Mental Strength
  • Emotional Mastery
  • Mental Maintenance
  • Mental Well-being
  • Mental Health Challenges
  • Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness Training
  • Meditation
  • Mantras
  • Immense Commitment Levels
  • Elite Performance Levels
  • Mental Health and High Performance
  • Mental Toughness Coaching
  • Life Coaching

Now that I’ve got those mental health and high performance buzzwords listed out, I invite you simply take in what works for you, what resonates with you and ignore the rest. Play the game your way, like your favorite fearless athletes, the way that feels good to you. It’s your life, enjoy the journey.

I also want to say that each episode of this Mental Toughness Podcast is a special episode, because I see them all as gifts. Each episode is a gift from my guest, both to me and all of you, a gift to help us all build and maintain our mental health and resilience, a part of our supply of vitamin MT (Mental Toughness) to support an unbeatable mind.

I also invite you to sign up for The Daily Dose, a free email service I created that is my favorite professional creation ever. The list sends an email every morning at about 6am wherever you are in the world. The emails are short nuggets of mental health and resilience tips that seem to resonate with people from all walks of life from sales professionals, to scientists, to stay-at-home parents, and yes, even fearless athletes. It seems that we all appreciate reminders that support mental health and high performance.

Mental health and high performance go hand in hand, as do mental health and resilience. I have dedicated my life to showing others how to reach the highest levels of performance, mental health and resilience. Like all skills you can build your mental skills from training. That training can include whatever you want, whatever works for you towards reaching your own personal mental health and resilience goals. So go ahead, listen to that recovery podcast, that new adversity podcast or yes, even the fearless athletes podcast. Listen to all those LinkedIn relevant podcast episodes while you work out. Subscribe to all the Mental Toughness podcasts that resonate with you – podcasts are like free travel packs of mental strength.

Other Mental Toughness Podcasts to Check Out

You might also checkout David Charlton’s Mental Toughness podcast called Demystifying Mental Toughness, especially if you’re an athlete. You’ll appreciate guests like Karl Morris, and David Jueno. Karl Morris is one of Europe’s leading Performance Coaches and David Jueno talks about how to turn your life around and inspire others. There’s also Mark Bennett who discusses characteristics of high performance athletes. The Demystifying Mental Toughness podcast offers a download The Focused Athlete Checklist.

Dr. Rob Bell is the host of the 15 Minutes of Mental Toughness podcast where he interviews expert coaches, executives, and athletes. His show has had some amazing guests such as Coach Mike Lingenfelter – Amor Fati which means love your fate, and Mike Pfefferkorn.

There’s also The Unbeatable Mind Podcast with Mark Divine. In this Mental Toughness podcast Mark Divine interviews a wide range of folks about entrepreneurship, health and fitness, relationships and beyond. Mark Divine is a retired Navy SEAL Commander and also the founder of SEALFIT.