Now is a remarkably vital time to be Mentally Tough. It’s so important to be disciplined with your emotional states for multiple reasons including, your immune system, your creativity and the way you are influencing others. Each of those is critical.
In this video, I briefly discuss 5 points that are hugely relevant to the times: Aloneness, Creativity, Connectedness, Service, and Enthusiasm. I’ll also be creating follow up videos on these in which I elaborate a bit more on each.
Keep it above The O-Line!
Here’s a link to the video on The Gap :
Chris, I love you brother.
I am sending my small but very magnificent and beautiful friends on my email list to this video.
From Questing The Unknown to the Mental Toughness of Professor Dorris…
~ Emeric Damian
MY MAN! Love you, too, Brother Emeric! Thank you. I hope they found some value.