TOUGH TALKS: How To Become A NeuroNinja with Doc Ali

What if I told you that you could choose your mental state from moment to moment depending on which state would serve you right then? What if I told you you could choose which neuromodulators (she’ll explain that) to activate at will? What if I told you that you can become a NeuroNinja? And what if I told you I have THE NeroNinja Extraordinaire as my guest today? Well, consider yourself told!

She’s back for round 2 and is going to blow your minds – or maybe I should say teach you how to best USE your mind – and her name is Dr. Alison Arnold (Doc Ali) and I am super pumped to share with you her and her newest research in the field of neuroscience applied specifically to peak performance!


More about Doc. Ali:



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Here’s the audio only version, which you can also download as an MP3 file to listen to on the go.

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  1. Chris Stoner says:

    DUDE (lol),

    That interview was waaaay above the O-Line!!

    Thank you!!

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