I am convinced that we were not designed to settle, struggle, or worse, suffer. I am also clear that we have all been conditioned to play small. We get to create excellence for ourselves in this miraculous life that we are so blessed to have scored into.
These are my current coaching programs:
Mental Toughness is the product of doing the inner-world work that enables you to respond to all of life with mastery, discipline, creative genius, gratitude and enthusiasm.
Fundamentally, Mental Toughness Training is strengthening your response-abilitiy. That is, your ability to respond rapidly to all circumstances powerfully.
The vast majority of us have had no formal training in strengthening the way that we use our minds, or strengthening the quality of our thinking. Buddha said that our entire lives unfold according to the way that we think, so we have great incentive to become what I call Thought Warriors.
Our outer-worlds are a reflection of our inner-worlds. Therefore, coaching with me involves a vacillation between inner-world fortification and outer-world bold action.
If there’s anything, and I mean ANYTHING, standing between you, what you would love to create for yourself, or who you want to BE, let’s talk.
Are we a good coaching match?
If you’re serious about your success – living life on your own terms – let’s make it happen.
You’re the right client for me if you’re willing to commit to making the significant investment in effort, time and resources that it will take for us to create big time results – that’s the investment you must be willing to make in yourself.
I’m not a new age guru type life coach – I’m from New Jersey!
I’m a Success Coach. I’m a Mental Toughness Coach. I teach Emotional Mastery. I coach from the heart with love, but our coaching sessions won’t be lovely chit-chats.
I would never avoid offending you in the name of serving you. It takes real work. When we coach, I disappear into your world with the singular intention of helping you create what you want. Our investment in each other will transform your life.
There’s no need to wait and there’s no need to settle.
“Chris Dorris is a Wizard!”
— Nick Severino, VP/CFO Apple Retail at Apple Inc

“He made me show up for myself. He made me embrace who I was.”
— Stella Reid AKA Nanny Stella from Nanny 911